Kathryn Stevenson, Ph.D. discusses her decade of research trying to learn more about how young people think and learn about climate change and how youth-led conversations may have something important to offer.
Kathryn Stevenson, Ph.D. is interested in preparing young people to engage and helping them understand unique ways they may contribute to solving global change. She discusses her decade of research trying to learn more about how young people think and learn about climate change and how youth-led conversations may have something important to offer.
Kathryn Stevenson is an assistant professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management at NC State. Her research and teaching centers on children and nature, including the benefits that nature or being outdoors provides to children as well as the unique ways that children can contribute toward environmental solutions in their communities. In particular, she is interested in how child-led community engagement can overcome the silos that typically stymie progress among adults, including political polarization and diverse forms of community input.
Lauren Gibson is currently a doctoral student at NC State studying the impact that young people have on their community's environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. She also works part time for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Education, where she is leading the office’s first youth summit.
Teen-Led Radical Cultural Change (Kathryn Stevenson, moderator Lauren Gibson)
This video was originally produced for an audience of entering first-year and transfer students at NC State University as a part of an interdisciplinary experience. It is available for noncommercial reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial 4.0 License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.